maandag 4 februari 2013


Today I went to Amsterdam with my Mom, because we believe we need some clothing for out trip to Singapore this May. I took her to the Negen Straatjes, a sort of shopping area with a lot of Vintage stores - which I love - and other clothing stores with unique stuff, like handmade jackets. I saw so much nice items, but I couldn't buy everything ofcourse because I have to save some of my money to spend in Singapore. I's good it's my birthday next Thursday, so I get some money haha because I couln't recist not to buy some beautiful jackets and a hat. It was such a nice sunny day in Amsterdam, I fell in love with this city! Can't wait to move there next year. But first, I have to graduate.
What do you think about my new items? I can't wait to make some cool new outfits with these jackets! Wait and see... meanwhile you can check out my other posts! Enjoy

xoxo Alyssa

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