Saturday - the 5th of May - it is liberation day in the Netherlands. And we celebrate it with a concert at the Amstel, in Amsterdam in the presence of our queen Beatrix. Trippin Angels / Fontys Dance Academy Tilburg was honored to perform at the Liberation Concert. Concept and choreography: Marc van Loon and Jean-Louis Barning, costumes: Wobine Bosch. And it was live on the Dutch television (you can check it out here)
It was amazing to be a part in all of this. It's a major event in the Netherlands. I can't describe the feeling I got after the performance, it felt a bit like I was on top of the world (and that's a understatement) even a couple of days later I was still in a daze. It was a wonderful experience, and nobody is going to take that away from me. Thanks to all the people who have made all this possible! Here some 'backstage' pictures.

WOW ALYSS wat vet dat je dit mocht doen! Hoe was het?