woensdag 21 augustus 2013


Sorry I hadn't updated by blog so much during my holiday, the wireless internet sucks big time here. Today I had a little off-day, so I decided I didn't go to the beach and watch some Sex & the City episodes in bed instead. After a while I was so inspired by Carrie's style and wardrobe, I needed to go shopping. So I grabbed a cap and took my lazy butt to the city. There was a major sale going on, that's perfect because I was in that kind of mood to shop a lot, if you know what I mean. First stop was Zara, I got an amazing cute salmon pink dress for only 12 euro's! After a while my feet were killing me, now I finally understand why they call high heels 'killer-heels', so I had to buy flats or slippers. Then I walked in a sort of hipster store called 'Blanco' and saw these cute slippers, with a touch of hippie ;-) matched perfectly by my bag I bought earlier at Zara for 9 euro, but you're gonna see those items later on my blog, because it takes ages to upload a picture here.
 After I had a iced latte, I decided to walk back to the apartment just to clear my head and think about all the things I want to do with my life.

my pretty new dress from Zara, you likey?

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