Welcome back! I know I haven't posted anything on my blog for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything. Meanwhile I've found my way into Amsterdam Fashion Week, turned 23 and been to Florence with the Styling class from Vogue Academy. So here comes a long blogpost, with a lot of fashionable and fabulous pictures of all the adventures we'd been through in Italy.
Around 8.30h we arrived at Pisa airport, from there we had to take a bus to Florence. Then we had to walk to our hostel, with our bags which were way too heavy (ofcouse). But the weather was nice, the sun was shining and it was around 16 degrees. After a walk we finally arrived at Plus Florence, really nice and clean. They have two swimming pools, a sauna, a bar, a gym and more.
We decided to do some sightseeing, enjoy the nice weather and of course the beautiful view. We had lunch at a little Italian luncheroom with delicious sandwiches and of course Italian Coffee! (Which is the best!)
View of the Arno river

The next day, it was Lotte's 20th birthday! So we had to celebrate that with some Italian chocolate cake.
Lucky Lotte, the Italian waiter was singing for her ;-)Later that day we went to the fabulous store Luisa Via Roma. Which was of an assignment for Vogue Academy. My god, what an amazing store, everything is just wow. Too bad it was expensive, otherwise I would have bought everything! Especially the Guiseppe Zanotti shoes (which won't go out of my head for days now!)
The prints in the styling are made by a Dutch company called Vlisco Fabrics. Pretty damn cool right, to see some Dutch prints in this stunning store, I felt a little proud. We weren't aloud to take pictures, but we're badasses so we did it anyway. Take a look of the styling of Luisa Via Roma

After our visit we had some dinner, (pizza of course) and went out for some cocktails for Lotte's B'day.

Friday morning, lucky us: no hangover. We decided to get an 'early' breakfast at 10.30 across the street. So we just went there in our pyjama's. Had a nice mozzarella sandwich and coffee to open my tired and swollen eyes.
After we showered and got dressed, we went to the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, with a lot of shoes. But also other work he had created; like drawings and paintings. Really nice to see what colors he used, and combined it; it looked a bit cartoonists but so pretty.

After our visit we thought it was time for some serious shopping, and the weather was so nice. So after a while we thought it was time for wine!
Later we did some shopping and had a yummy dinner at a little Italian Restaurant. Bored with Pasta's en Pizza's already we ordered Lobster and Steak (yes, living the student life: NOT!) From day one we wrote down all our funny sayings and crazy things what happened to us in out little Burn-Book. Also this evening in this restaurant, and you could see all the people were really annoyed by our presence. We were laughing the whole time, and I made these little headbands out of our napkins (sooooo creative with fashion haha) This was one of our most funny evenings we'd have. We left the building wearing our headbands and calling ourself FASHION SCOUTS!

When we got back at out hostel, we wanted to swim; so we did. But we were staying at a "Back-building' so we had to crossover a little square; but we did in in style of course - in BIKINI and a TOWEL. To get to the pool you had to walk across the bar; so all the guys had the night of their life.After we jumped into the pool we discovered it wasn't that warm at all, so we moved our behinds to the sauna to warm up a little bit before we had to go outside again to get into our room!

The next day we thought it would be nice to show our faces to the people from school. They were going to the Gucci Museum, and it was nice to take a look there. This is the floral scarf Gucci designed (in one night) for Grace Kelly!
I liked the museum, but the tour was too long for me. I like it more when I can just go wherever I want, plus it was way too hot inside. During the tour I thought I was already in menopause, my god!
One of the teachers told us if you go to Luisa Via Roma (the fashionable store) and you tell them you want to go to their Outlet, they'll arrange a taxi for you and pay it as well. So I really wanted to that; and of course spent some money on something really nice. But fist we had to lunch, because we were hungry and we needed a little break from all the walking, shopping and sightseeing. We ended up to the other side of the river Arno and found a little cafe with an amazing view, but food and drinks were so overpriced.

Here are some more pictues, also during out VIP treatment in the taxi to the outlet store from Luisa Via Roma. But we accidentally walked into a little art exhibition with only red shoes and visited a cute store with nice clothes called twin set. Take a look down below :)

Saturday is for shopping, so we did. After that we had dinner in one of the nicest restaurants in Florence. The waiter was very nice, and we decided to drink some Limoncello! After that we went back to our hostel to change outfit and go out for some more drinks. We went to a cocktail bar called Caffè Concerto Paszkowski and ordered two enormous cocktails, me likey!
Around 2 am we were kicked out of this bar, because they wanted to closed. But we didn't finished our drinks yet, so we got plastic cups so we could take it with us. Strange, but hey... we had a mission; we wanted to party. We went to Slowly, but they said they were closed already. But Lotte (with her blonde hair) got us in, we got some free shots of vodka and time to dance. And there was a little dance battle between Pleuni and the bartenders! They said we could go to a underground club Blue Velvet if we waited for them to finish and clean up. Okay, sure! A couple of Vodka's later we went to Blue Velvet, if you normally walked into this street you would never know there was a club. You had to be quiet outside, once we got in it was pretty cool (and blue). We got in for free, en got some more booze. We danced all night long until 6am, we had to walk home again but made a little stop at McDonnald to get some foor in our tummy. Around 7.30h we finally saw our bed again, and slept like little babies 'till afternoon.

The next day we had to take a taxi around 6am, to bring us to the station where our bus went to Pisa to bring us to the airport. The plane left at 9 o'clock, and once I sat down, I slipped into a little coma. About one and a half hour later, we were back in Amsterdam. Luckily it was sunny, but also a bit chilly. When I got home I had to do all my laundry, and I took a very long nap; because I was tired as hell. But what a nice trip, so many funny moments and a lot of inspiration. I spotted a lot of fashionable and fierce people for my style-bible, but I'm gonna post that later!